Captivating audiences since 2011, SIREN is New York City’s only all-female early music ensemble, dedicated to performing works by women Baroque composers. We dedicate ourselves to discovering these women's voices with the aim of redressing the gender imbalance in the received canon. The intimacy of the small chamber group of women has deepened our understanding of these composers and their incredible strife to stand out in a patriarchal world. Instrumentalists and vocalists cross-pollinate, sharing approaches to ornamentation, phrasing and even technique on their respective instruments, resulting in a unified, yet agile and flexible group sound over the last decade. Our rehearsal periods are both deep explorations of the music and biographical investigations of the women who created it. SIREN's concerts, therefore, naturally reflect this holistic and immersive process, with woven-through narrative, historical context and enriching anecdotes, adding an educational aspect to our passionate, dynamic performances. Critics laud SIREN Baroque’s “unusual freshness” (Seen and Heard International) and “secure and stylish” playing (The New York Times). Out IN Jersey hails the "effervescent and committed ensemble" and praises their "rapt attention to detail...never stinting on drama or virtuosity.”
Antonia Nelson
Violin | Viola
Kelly Savage
Anneke Schaul-Yoder
Brittany Palmer
Brett Umlauf
Claire Smith
Marina Fragoulis
Kristina Giles
Viola | Violin
Performance Highlights
· Festival of Baroque Music in San Miguel d'Allende, Mexico
· Boston Early Music Festival (fringe performance)
· Elisabeth & the Sun King workshop at Penn State University
· Music of women composers at Drew & St John's Universities
· Music of nuns at St Theresa's Carmelite convent Germantown, NY
· French program with Marc Destrubé at the DiMenna Center, NY
· Boccherini program with soloist Elinor Frey, NY
· World premieres of contemporary works by Jordan McLean & Larry Lockwood
· Morningside Opera
· Bronxville Bach Festival
· Music on Market series, Ellenville
Please check out our facebook page for a full history of past performances
Contact us.
info (at) sirenbaroque (dot) com
Welcome to our debut album: SIREN Songs, 2012.